Where are we?!

Well, good question.

We’re still travelling and paddling as much as we can. Much of our time has been taken up with life, completing video projects and Paddle Canada Instructor Manual upgrades. I have had a new shoulder surgery in October and will be able to paddle fully again come April 2024.

So yes, still active but in other ways. 2024 hopefully will see more action here!

Thank you for all your support!!

Are you ready for 2023? We are!

Hi everyone,

We hope you’ve been well and have made the most of the past paddling season. Andrew and I have had a good 2022. It felt great to be able to travel again!

We were able to attend and race in the NORAMS which were held in Cañon City, Colorado. It was wonderful to see all the familiar faces again and also see new paddlers who were trying slalom racing for the first time. We love the Colorado area and look forward to spending more time there in the future.

We then headed west to paddle with a lovely group on the Kananaskis River. We were also able to go to join another of our favourite communities and paddle the Deerfield River in Massachusetts.

We are back to teaching courses, posting articles about whitewater canoeing, and preparing technique videos. Last year was mostly a regroup and reset year, but we’re into the groove now!

Go to the Current Ideas tab on our website or click below for our new article called Hitting Rocks – in time for the creeking season!

All the best for the new paddling year!!


Hitting Rocks – It’s All About Bouncing in the Right Direction

Spring 2022 Let a New Season of Paddling Begin!

Although the website has been rather quiet, we haven’t been. Many things have been going on in the background.

First, Covid caused us to be more careful and because we wanted to ensure our safety and that of others, we decided not to instruct. In fact, we kept the paddling only when we could self-shuttle.

That being said, we still are very involved in the paddling world.

Andrew has been busy with Paddle Canada Canoe Program Development Committee and the updated Moving Water Tandem Canoe Instructor Manual will be released very soon. He says it’s imminent!

We’ve also been involved with the bid process for the North American Canoe Slalom Championships. This year they will be in Buena Vista, Colorado July 8-10!

Our schedule of adventures has started to grow and will be entered into the calendar page shortly.

Speaking of adventures and travelling, we decided we needed a tent upgrade. Something bigger, yet slip streamed when travelling, light, and fitting into the garage. This year we were to build our own camper trailer after not being able to find anything that suited the criteria. It’s been 3 years of searching, planning and talking to manufacturers for parts, when all of a sudden Andrew finds this: www.camp365.com  We drove to Alberta to get the new digs! A portable cabin!!

Many of you may know of Misty, our Yellow Lab. She will be joining us for most of the fun this summer. She’s fully grown (already!) and such a joy.

We hope to see you on the rivers this season and catch up on the past two years!

Let the season begin!!

Check us out also on our FaceBook Page


New technique article – Hold on!

Happy 2021! And with the new year approaching, we’re thinking paddling. 

Look on our Current Ideas section to read on how to keep better control of your canoe.

Keep safe and hope to see you on the rivers!

Carole, Andrew and Misty-dog

Welcome to Westwood Outdoors’ Current Ideas!

Welcome to Westwood Outdoors’ Current Ideas!

With the change of seasons comes a time to collect out thoughts, reminisce about the past year’s adventures and all the people that we’ve met. Although we’re gearing up for the XC ski season, we’re still thinking about paddling. Well, who ever really stops thinking of paddling?

We often get questions about our technique videos asking to explain something in greater detail.

So, voila!

We will begin posting short notes pertaining to paddling techniques that you can further link to our videos, or get more clarity about why certain techniques work the way they do.

We’ll also add tips that you may not have thought of!

Who said physics class was useless? Now cuddle up in a warm blanket, favourite beverage in hand and let’s visualize together! The first issue will be out this Friday. Stay tuned!

Video on rolling a Solo Canoe

This video describes the solo open canoe roll. It details the steps to the onside roll, modifications needed for the offside roll, plus, it provides some common trouble shooting tips. This version of the canoe roll introduces the concept of “Step and Flipper” as modification to the traditional low brace roll which paddlers have found gets them over the hump of developing a reliable solo canoe roll.
Happy Summer!

New Updated Website!!

New Updated Website!!

Well, it took awhile but we finally have arrived to this decade so to speak. True. We’re ludites by nature, but we can’t stick to that behaviour if we want to share information with you. So voila! Welcome to our revamped webpage which, thank goodness, looks much better and can be viewed on a phone as well.

We’ll be going through it in the next weeks to clean up some areas and post new items. As you look through the pages, let us know what you think! At the moment, some areas repeat themselves, but all will be organized shortly.

Thanks for your patience, and hope the information gleaned helps with your paddling where ever you are!